Build global apps: Localization by example

Written by Cihat Gündüz

Description: Learn how you can run your apps on devices around the world and help everyone have a great experience — regardless of the language they speak. We'll explore how Apple APIs can provide a solid foundation when creating apps for diverse audiences, and we'll share examples, challenges, and best practices from our own experiences.


  • Use String(localized:comment:) for localizing text
let windPerceptionLabelText = String(
  localized: "Wind is making it feel cooler", 
  comment: "Explains the wind is lowering the apparent temperature"
  • new String(localized:defaultValue:comment) for the same English word but different translations
  • Don’t assume that prepositions will be the same in other languages for interchangeable dynamic data, such as a city name & location description
  • comment is really important for translators, give them the context
    • What interface element
    • What context
    • What each variable is
  • When Server sends a list of supported languages, use Bundle.preferredLocalizations(from: allServerLanguages).first on phone to get the most fitting language
  • for pluralized texts, use a Stringsdict file or automated grammar agreement
String(localized: "\(amountOfRain) in last ^[\(numberOfHours) hour](inflect: true).",
       comment: "Label showing how much rain has fallen in the last number of hours")


  • for unit numbers use .formatted on the number, e.g. with the .percent type
  • Formatters available for almost everything (session “Formatters make data human friendly” from past years)
  • Combine formatters with text
    • use UnitLength(forLocale: .current, usage: .rainfall) for the preferred unit
    • use Measurement type for unit-ful values
func expectedPrecipitationIn24Hours(for valueInMillimeters: Measurement<UnitLength>) -> String {
  // Use user's preferred measures
  let preferredUnit = UnitLength(forLocale: .current, usage: .rainfall)

  let valueInPreferredSystem = valueInMillimeters.converted(to: preferredUnit)

  // Format the amount of rainfall
  let formattedValue = valueInPreferredSystem
    .formatted(.measurement(width: .narrow, usage: .asProvided))

  let integerValue = Int(valueInPreferredSystem.value.rounded())

  // Load and use formatting string
  return String(localized: "EXPECTED_RAINFALL", 
         defaultValue: "\(integerValue) \(formattedValue) expected in next \(24)h.", 
          comment: "Label - How much precipitation (2nd formatted value, in mm or Inches) is expected in the next 24 hours (3rd, always 24).")
  • Stringsdict entry starts with a key
    • provide for other first
    • provide any others needed per language

Swift Packages

  • provide defaultLocalization in package definition
  • you can now export localizations from packages, too: Go to Products > Export Localizations and choose your package
  • will export as .xcloc files for translators, can be imported again
  • String(localized:bundle:comment:) used in packages
    • pass .module for bundle in packages
  • Localize your package, advertise supported languages
  • Developers should ensure dependencies are localized & test
  • Layout and SwiftUI
  • don’t give UI elements a fixed height, some languages like Hindi need more line height for the same text
  • Adjust a column width in a table like list to the longest label
  • use Grid view in SwiftUI to implement this
  • use two or more lines if needed, e.g. for German on watchOS
  • Sometimes a horizontal stack can be changed to a vertical to fit

Missing anything? Corrections? Contributions are welcome 😃


Written by

Cihat Gündüz

Cihat Gündüz

Spatial-first Indie Developer for  Platforms. Actively contributing to Open Source since 2011!