Improve the discoverability of your Swift-DocC content

Description: Explore the navigation experience for Swift-DocC on the web. We'll show you how you can organize and optimize your content to help guide developers through documentation about your frameworks and applications. We'll also share enhanced techniques to help readers browse your documentation with ease.

Web navigation

  • new navigation experience
    • see it live in any Apple documentation page, e.g. here
  • Any web page contains two main sections:
    • To the left is a navigator and filter bar - allows you to navigate through your documentation and find APIs quickly
    • To the right is the content view - optimized to be flexible in multiple screen and navigator sizes
  • in the navigator, you can also filter to see articles, tutorials, and even hide deprecated pages by selecting tags
    • tags appear when the filter text field is focused

Optimize your content discoverability

  • If we use Swift-DocC default settings, we will get a DocC website with its automatic organization
  • the navigator will be organized by types (e.g., tutorials, articles, protocols, and structures)

To optimize your content

  1. define the main high-level themes of what developers can do with your framework
  2. organize your pages by importance and specificity
  3. make group titles as clear and helpful as possible

Missing anything? Corrections? Contributions are welcome 😃


Written by

Federico Zanetello

Federico Zanetello

Software engineer with a strong passion for well-written code, thought-out composable architectures, automation, tests, and more.